Introduction to Data Cleaning with Pandas

Through this workshop, you will learn how to use Pandas to explore and “wrangle” datasets. Topics will include an introduction to Jupyter Notebooks/Colab, data cleaning with pandas, feature engineering with pandas, basic visualization and more. This workshop will focus on actual coding.

This article provides a summary of the main workshop, which you can watch here. Here is a colab link to run all the code.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

%matplotlib inline

Jupyter Tips

Before starting with pandas, let’s look at some useful features Jupyter has that will help us along the way.

Typing a function then pressing tab gives you a list of arguments you can enter. Pressing shift-tab gives you the function signature. Also:

?pd.Series # using one question mark gives you the function/class signature with the description
??pd.Series # two question marks gives you the actual code for that function

Timing your pandas code is a very helpful learning tool, so you can figure out the most efficient way to do things. You can time code as follows:

%timeit [i for i in range(500)] # in line mode
100000 loops, best of 3: 14 µs per loop
%%timeit # time an entire cell
for i in range(10):
The slowest run took 5.44 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1000000 loops, best of 3: 300 ns per loop

Commands prefaced by “%” or “%%” are called magic commands. You can read about more here.

What is Pandas?

Pandas is a Python library for manipulating data and performing analysis. It has too many fefatures to cover in one introductory workshop, but you will find the documentation complete and clear: For many tasks, there is likely a Pandas function to make your life easier, so Google away!

The most basic unit in Pandas is called a Series:

s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])
0    a
1    b
2    c
3    d
4    e
5    f
6    g
dtype: object

A series is simply a 1D numpy array with some more functionality built on top. Above, on the left you see an index and on the right are the actual values. The “dtype” is the datatype, which can be anything from objects (usually strings), integers, floats, categorical variables, datetimes, etc. Series are much faster than built in python lists because the numpy backend is written in C.

You can index into a series exactly the same as you would a numpy array:

s[1] # returns the 2nd element (0 indexed)
s[1:3] # returns a series from indices 1 to 3 (exclusive)
1    b
2    c
dtype: object
s[1::2] # returns series from indices 1 to the end, counting by 2s (i.e. 1, 3, 5)
1    b
3    d
5    f
dtype: object

You also retain the same broadcasting numpy arrays do. For example

s2 = pd.Series([i for i in range(50)])
s2 = s2/50 + 1

You can also sample a random element from a series:

2    1.04
dtype: float64

Next, let’s import some data and jump into Dataframes. Dataframes are tables of data, where each column has a name and is a series of some type. Each column can have a different type.

df = pd.read_csv('', delimiter=';')
mdf = pd.read_csv('', delimiter=';')

print('Number of pokemon: ', len(df))
Number of pokemon:  918
Name Types Abilities Tier HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Next Evolution(s) Moves
552 Octillery ['Water'] ['Moody', 'Sniper', 'Suction Cups'] PU 75 105 75 105 75 45 [] ['Gunk Shot', 'Rock Blast', 'Water Gun', 'Cons...

We can also take samples of different sizes, or look at the top of the dataset, or the bottom:

Index Name Type Category Contest PP Power Accuracy Generation
0 1 Pound Normal Physical Tough 35 40 100 1
1 2 Karate Chop Fighting Physical Tough 25 50 100 1
2 3 Double Slap Normal Physical Cute 10 15 85 1
Index Name Type Category Contest PP Power Accuracy Generation
551 552 Fiery Dance Fire Special Beautiful 10 80 100 5
84 85 Thunderbolt Electric Special Cool 15 90 100 1
Index Name Type Category Contest PP Power Accuracy Generation
723 724 Searing Sunraze Smash Steel Special ??? 1 200 None 7
724 725 Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom Ghost Special ??? 1 200 None 7
725 726 Let's Snuggle Forever Fairy Physical ??? 1 190 None 7
726 727 Splintered Stormshards Rock Physical ??? 1 190 None 7
727 728 Clangorous Soulblaze Dragon Special ??? 1 185 None 7

Initial Processing

We don’t need the index column because Pandas gives us a default index, so let’s drop that column.

mdf.drop('Index', inplace=True, axis=1)
# mdf = mdf.drop(columns='Index') # alternative

Many pandas functions return a changed version of the dataframe instead of modifying the dataframe itself. We can use inplace=True to do it inplace (which is more efficient). Sometimes, when using multiple commands consecutively, it’ easier to chain the commands instead of doing it inplace (as you’ll see).

mdf.columns = ['name', 'type', 'category', 'contest', 'pp', 'power', 'accuracy', 'generation'] #set column names

name          object
type          object
category      object
contest       object
pp             int64
power         object
accuracy      object
generation     int64
dtype: object

Pandas usually does a good job of detecting the datatypes of various columns. We know that power and accuracy should be numbers, but pandas is making them objects (strings). This usually indicates null values. Let’s check.

100     320
None    280
90       46
95       29
85       26
75       10
80        7
70        4
55        3
50        3
Name: accuracy, dtype: int64

Just as we suspected, there is the string “None” for non-numeric values. Let’s fix this.

mdf['accuracy'].replace('None', 0, inplace=True)
# notice mdf.accuracy.replace(..., inplace=True) wouldn't work
mdf['accuracy'] = pd.to_numeric(mdf['accuracy'])

Below, we get a boolean series indicating whether the column is ‘None’ or not. We can use this boolean series to index into the dataframe.

mdf.power == 'None'
0      False
1      False
2      False
3      False
4      False
5      False
6      False
7      False
8      False
9      False
10     False
11      True
12     False
13      True
14     False
15     False
16     False
17      True
18     False
19     False
20     False
21     False
22     False
23     False
24     False
25     False
26     False
27      True
28     False
29     False
698    False
699    False
700    False
701     True
702    False
703    False
704    False
705    False
706    False
707    False
708    False
709    False
710    False
711    False
712    False
713    False
714     True
715    False
716     True
717    False
718    False
719    False
720    False
721    False
722    False
723    False
724    False
725    False
726    False
727    False
Name: power, Length: 728, dtype: bool
mdf[mdf.power == 'None'].head()
name type category contest pp power accuracy generation
11 Guillotine Normal Physical Cool 5 None 0 1
13 Swords Dance Normal Status Beautiful 20 None 0 1
17 Whirlwind Normal Status Clever 20 None 0 1
27 Sand Attack Ground Status Cute 15 None 100 1
31 Horn Drill Normal Physical Cool 5 None 0 1
mdf.loc[mdf.power == 'None', 'power'].head()
11    None
13    None
17    None
27    None
31    None
Name: power, dtype: object

.loc is a common way to index into a Dataframe. The first argument is the index (or list of indices), or a boolean array that acts as a mask. iloc can be used similarly, except the first number is the actual numeric index (notice that a Dataframe index can be non-numeric).

mdf.loc[mdf.power == 'None', 'power'] = 0
mdf['power'] = pd.to_numeric(mdf['power'])

name          object
type          object
category      object
contest       object
pp             int64
power          int64
accuracy       int64
generation     int64
dtype: object

We were able to convert them with no issues. Notice the two ways to access columns. The only difference between the two is that the dictionary-style access allows you to modify the column, and allows you to create new columns. You can only use the .column method for existing columns, and it returns a copy (so the modifications won’t affect the original Dataframe). Also, notice you can’t access columns with spaces in their names with the .column notation.

Although the dictionary-style access is more consistent, I like to use the .column access whenever I can because it is faster to type.

df.columns = ['name', 'types', 'abilities', 'tier', 'hp', 'atk', 'def', 'spa', 'spd', 'spe', 'next_evos','moves']
name         object
types        object
abilities    object
tier         object
hp            int64
atk           int64
def           int64
spa           int64
spd           int64
spe           int64
next_evos    object
moves        object
dtype: object

We saw above that the next_evos, moves, abilities, and types columns should be lists, so we can do that.

temp_df = df.copy()
for ind, row in temp_df.iterrows():[ind, 'next_evos'] = eval(row['next_evos'])
10 loops, best of 3: 108 ms per loop

A few notes. This seems like the most obvious way to achieve what we want. Look through the rows using iterrows, use python’s “eval” to turn a string-list into an actual list, then assign it to the dataframe at that index. Notice that we use “at”, which is the same as “loc” except it can only access one value at a time.

This turns out to be the worst way to do this. In pandas, we can almost always avoid explicitly looping through our data.

df['types'] = temp_df.apply(lambda x: eval(x.types), axis=1)
10 loops, best of 3: 22.4 ms per loop

This is much better. The apply function applies a function you give it to all the rows or columns in the dataframe. The axis argument specifies whether it’s rows or columns. We can make this a bit cleaner.

df['abilities'] =
100 loops, best of 3: 6.12 ms per loop

This is very clean. While apply works on a dataframe, map works on a single series. Also, since the value is always just applied to the one column, we can just pass the eval function instead of using a lambda. Our next improvement won’t be faster, but it’ll be nicer

from tqdm import tqdm

df['moves'] = temp_df.moves.progress_map(eval)
100%|██████████| 918/918 [00:00<00:00, 8454.77it/s]

tqdm is a library that provides progress bars for loops, but it can be easily used with pandas to provide a progress bar for your maps and applies. Very useful for doing complex processing on large datasets.

Next, notice that our dataframe has one row per pokemon. It would be nice to index into by the pokemon name rather than a number. If we are going to access rows by pokemon name often, this will give us a speed advantage, since the items in the index are supported in the backend by a hashtable.

df.set_index('name', inplace=True)

types                                               [Electric]
abilities                              [Lightning Rod, Static]
tier                                                       NaN
hp                                                          35
atk                                                         55
def                                                         40
spa                                                         50
spd                                                         50
spe                                                         90
next_evos                               [Raichu, Raichu-Alola]
moves        [Tail Whip, Thunder Shock, Growl, Play Nice, T...
Name: Pikachu, dtype: object

We can also reset_index, which can be useful sometimes. Now that we’ve done some processing, we can produce a summary of the numeric columns:

hp atk def spa spd spe
count 918.000000 918.000000 918.000000 918.000000 918.000000 918.000000
mean 69.558824 80.143791 74.535948 73.297386 72.384532 68.544662
std 26.066527 32.697233 31.225467 33.298652 27.889548 29.472307
min 1.000000 5.000000 5.000000 10.000000 20.000000 5.000000
25% 50.000000 55.000000 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000 45.000000
50% 66.500000 75.000000 70.000000 65.000000 70.000000 65.000000
75% 80.000000 100.000000 90.000000 95.000000 90.000000 90.000000
max 255.000000 190.000000 230.000000 194.000000 230.000000 180.000000

Data Correction

Typically, you will find oddities in your data during analysis. Perhaps you visualize a column, and the numbers look off, so you look into the actual data and notice some issues. For the purpose of this workshop, we’ll skip the visualization and just correct the data

First, some pokemon have moves duplicated. Let’s fix this by making the move-lists into movesets

df['moves'] = df.moves.progress_map(set)
100%|██████████| 918/918 [00:00<00:00, 68711.23it/s]

Next, I noticed a weird quirk with the strings for the moves. This will cause some trouble if we want to relate the mdf and df tables, so let’s fix it.

moves = {move for move_set in df.moves for move in move_set}

weird_moves = {m for m in moves if "'" in m}
{"Baby'Doll Eyes",
 "Forest's Curse",
 "King's Shield",
 "Land's Wrath",
 "Nature's Madness",
 "Power'Up Punch",
 "Wake'Up Slap",

Many of these moves, such as U-turn, should have a dash instead of an apostrophe (according to the moves dataset). Upon closer inspection, it’s clear that the only moves that should have an apostrophe are those whose words end with an apostrophe-s. Let’s make this correction.

weird_moves.remove("King's Shield")
weird_moves.remove("Forest's Curse")
weird_moves.remove("Land's Wrath")
weird_moves.remove("Nature's Madness")

def clean_moves(x):
  return  {move if move not in weird_moves else 
           move.replace("'", "-")
           for move in x}

df['moves'] = df.moves.progress_map(clean_moves)
100%|██████████| 918/918 [00:00<00:00, 43018.50it/s]
removal_check = {move for move_set in df.moves 
                      for move in move_set
                      if "'" in move}
{"Forest's Curse", "King's Shield", "Land's Wrath",
 "Nature's Madness"}

The moves dataframe contains moves that are unlearnable by pokemon. These include moves like Struggle (which is a move pokemon use when they have no more pp in their normal moveset) and Z-moves (moves that are activated by a Z-crystal). These moves are characterized by having only 1 PP (which denotes the number of times a pokemon can use the move). Let’s remove these.

mdf = mdf[(mdf.pp != 1) | ( == 'Struggle')]

Due to the nature of the site we scraped, some pokemon are missing moves :(. Let’s fix part of the problem by adding back some important special moves:

df.loc['Victini', 'moves'].add('V-create')
df.loc['Rayquaza', 'moves'].add('V-create')
df.loc['Celebi', 'moves'].add('Hold Back')

for pok in ['Zygarde', 'Zygarde-10%', 'Zygarde-Complete']:
    df.loc[pok, 'moves'].add('Thousand Arrows')
    df.loc[pok, 'moves'].add('Thousand Waves')
    df.loc[pok, 'moves'].add('Core Enforcer')

Let’s say for our analysis, we only care about certain tiers. Furthermore, we want to consolidate tiers. Let’s do it:

df.loc[df.tier == 'OUBL','tier'] = 'Uber'
df.loc[df.tier == 'UUBL','tier'] = 'OU'
df.loc[df.tier == 'RUBL','tier'] = 'UU'
df.loc[df.tier == 'NUBL','tier'] = 'RU'
df.loc[df.tier == 'PUBL','tier'] = 'NU'
df = df[df['tier'].isin(['Uber', 'OU', 'UU', 'NU', 'RU', 'PU'])]

The last line eliminates all pokemon that do not belong to one of those tiers (i.e. LC).

Since the tiers are a categorical variable, let’s covert it to the categorical dtype in pandas. This will come in handy if we decide to use this dataset in a machine learning model, as categorical variables will have a string label but have a corresponding integer code.

df['tier'] = df['tier'].astype('category')

But wait, our tiers do have an order! Let’s actually turn them into an ordered categorical variable. This will ensure the codes are in order.

from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype

order = ['Uber', 'OU', 'UU', 'NU', 'RU', 'PU']
df['tier'] = df['tier'].astype(CategoricalDtype(categories=order, 
CategoricalDtype(categories=['Uber', 'OU', 'UU', 'NU', 'RU', 'PU'], ordered=True)

We can take a look at the actual codes for the categories:

Abomasnow          5
Abomasnow-Mega     4
Absol              5
Absol-Mega         2
Accelgor           3
Aegislash          0
Aegislash-Blade    0
Aerodactyl         4
Aerodactyl-Mega    2
Aggron             5
dtype: int8
list(zip(df['tier'].head(10), df['tier']
[('PU', 5),
 ('RU', 4),
 ('PU', 5),
 ('UU', 2),
 ('NU', 3),
 ('Uber', 0),
 ('Uber', 0),
 ('RU', 4),
 ('UU', 2),
 ('PU', 5)]

(very light) Feature Engineering

Let’s make a feature counting the number of moves a pokemon can learn.

df['num_moves'] =

The base stat total is a common metric players use to assess a Pokemon’s overall strength, so let’s create a column for this.

df['bst'] = (df['hp'] + df['atk'] + df['def'] + df['spa'] + df['spd']
             + df['spe'])

Anomaly Analysis

This workshop is about data cleaning, but a useful way to look for data issues, gain ideas for feature engineering, and understand your data is to look at anomalies. Plus, we can look at some new pandas techniques.

Let’s look at information about the BST by tier:

bstdf = df[['tier', 'bst']].groupby('tier').agg([np.mean, np.std])
mean std
NU 495.132353 36.655681
OU 565.896104 68.916155
PU 464.184685 59.964976
RU 524.486111 48.101124
UU 538.181818 50.624685
Uber 657.042553 67.435946

First, we get a dataframe containing each pokemon’s tier and base stat total. We want the mean and standard deviation of the BST’s by tier. So, we group by the tier. In pandas, we can group by multiple columns if you want. Then, we apply aggregate function mean and std. This will calculate mean and std within each tier.

You’ll notice that we now have a multiindex for the columns. We will not cover this in this workshop, so we will just simplify the multiindex.

bstdf.columns = ['bst_mean', 'bst_std']
bst_mean bst_std
NU 495.132353 36.655681
OU 565.896104 68.916155
PU 464.184685 59.964976
RU 524.486111 48.101124
UU 538.181818 50.624685
Uber 657.042553 67.435946

The main ways to join tables in pandas are join and merge. Join is typically used to join on an index. For example, if you had two tables with the pokemon name as the index, you can do df1.join(df2), and this will horizontally concatenate the tables based on index.

I will show you how to use merge, which is the most general and easiest to understand joining method (though not always the fastest).

df2 = df.reset_index().merge(bstdf, left_on='tier', right_on='tier', 
# equivalent to bstdf.merge(df, ..., how='right')
name types abilities tier hp atk def spa spd spe next_evos moves num_moves bst bst_mean bst_std
91 Crabominable [Fighting, Ice] [Anger Point, Hyper Cutter, Iron Fist] PU 97 132 77 62 67 43 [] {Fling, Bubble Beam, Iron Defense, Hidden Powe... 54 478 464.184685 59.964976

Basically, pandas looked for where the tier in df equaled tier in bstdf and concatenated those rows. left_on is the column for df, right_on is the column for bstdf (in this case they’re the same). You can learn more about how joins work in this article: The concepts carry over to pandas.

We want to look at anomalous pokemon who’s stats seem too low for their tiers. Let’s accomplish this:

under = df2[(df2['bst'] < df2['bst_mean'] - 2*df2['bst_std']) 
            & (df2['tier'] != 'PU')]
name types abilities tier hp atk def spa spd spe next_evos moves num_moves bst bst_mean bst_std
5 Aegislash [Steel, Ghost] [Stance Change] Uber 60 50 150 50 150 60 [] {Hidden Power, Iron Defense, Hyper Beam, Pursu... 55 520 657.042553 67.435946
6 Aegislash-Blade [Steel, Ghost] [Stance Change] Uber 60 150 50 150 50 60 [] {Hidden Power, Iron Defense, Hyper Beam, Pursu... 55 520 657.042553 67.435946
34 Azumarill [Water, Fairy] [Huge Power, Sap Sipper, Thick Fat] OU 100 50 80 60 80 50 [] {Muddy Water, Swagger, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, ... 96 420 565.896104 68.916155
115 Diggersby [Normal, Ground] [Cheek Pouch, Huge Power, Pickup] OU 85 56 77 50 77 78 [] {Rollout, Sandstorm, Fling, Earthquake, Hidden... 81 423 565.896104 68.916155
267 Linoone [Normal] [Gluttony, Pickup, Quick Feet] RU 78 70 61 50 61 100 [] {Thunder Wave, Super Fang, Swagger, Water Puls... 89 420 524.486111 48.101124
298 Marowak-Alola [Fire, Ghost] [Cursed Body, Lightning Rod, Rock Head] UU 60 80 110 50 80 45 [] {Tail Whip, Sandstorm, Fling, Hidden Power, Hy... 74 425 538.181818 50.624685
303 Medicham [Fighting, Psychic] [Pure Power, Telepathy] NU 60 60 75 60 75 80 [] {Rock Slide, Swagger, Meditate, Confusion, Gra... 96 410 495.132353 36.655681
521 Vivillon [Bug, Flying] [Compound Eyes, Friend Guard, Shield Dust] NU 80 52 50 90 50 89 [] {Hidden Power, Iron Defense, Hyper Beam, Rest,... 59 411 495.132353 36.655681


Pandas also has built in graphing functionalities which behave identically to matplotlib. For example:



df.plot.scatter('bst', 'atk')


Finally, we can “pivot” tables as you would in excel. This provides a summary of the data.

df['type_1'] = df['types'].map(lambda x: x[0])

pd.pivot_table(df, index='tier', columns='type_1', values='bst', 
type_1 Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
NU 476.500000 494.000000 487.500000 460.500000 473.500000 469.625000 534.400000 479.000000 483.750000 506.250000 486.250 525.000000 495.400000 457.0 520.000000 519.50 520.000000 520.750000
OU 567.500000 520.000000 644.444444 562.142857 483.000000 524.250000 607.600000 518.333333 476.000000 542.166667 519.000 505.000000 497.000000 495.0 598.250000 700.00 550.000000 576.428571
PU 426.521739 448.300000 NaN 473.800000 392.666667 461.333333 485.454545 447.090909 479.400000 478.476190 457.875 511.727273 457.342857 472.6 465.266667 494.00 380.000000 459.000000
RU 490.166667 510.000000 536.500000 543.750000 516.000000 527.000000 573.333333 495.000000 518.333333 546.500000 480.000 552.500000 523.571429 487.0 545.428571 505.75 546.000000 538.500000
UU 485.800000 531.714286 598.000000 540.000000 525.000000 531.500000 517.000000 536.250000 500.000000 586.000000 512.250 NaN 559.500000 507.5 547.500000 585.00 543.333333 544.166667
Uber 585.000000 640.000000 686.800000 NaN 680.000000 612.500000 613.333333 626.666667 600.000000 NaN 720.000 NaN 655.000000 540.0 682.153846 NaN 580.000000 720.000000


Through this workshop, we’ve seen an overview of pandas and how it can be useful for data preprocessing. Next, we can use these skills to analyze and model our data using random forests in scikit-learn.

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